Cornell is home to more than 100 other interdisciplinary centers, institutes, laboratories, and programs that support faculty research and enhance graduate and undergraduate education. These are the most frequently used within AEP.
Center for Advanced Computing
The Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing (CAC) is a leader in high-performance computing system, application, and data solutions that enable research success. As an early technology adopter and rapid prototyper, CAC helps Cornell researchers accelerate scientific discovery.
Cornell Center for Materials Research (CCMR)
The CCMR was established in 1960 as one of several federally-sponsored interdisciplinary laboratories devoted to the study of materials. Primary funding is provided by the National Science Foundation; members of the CCMR also receive support through individual grants and contracts from federal agencies, from foundations, and from industrial sources.
Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS)
Supported by the National Science Foundation, CHESS is a national laboratory that supplies synchrotron radiation capabilities to users in many scientific fields from throughout the United States. It is the highest-energy synchrotron source currently available in the United States.
Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF)
The CNF is a research center for nanostructures science, engineering, and technology. It is supported by the National Science Foundation, the university, and industrial affiliates. It is one of the few American university laboratories with a proven processing capability of a quarter-micron and below, and the only national resource with this capability that is open to visiting researchers from other universities and from corporate and government laboratories. CNF is housed in Duffield Hall, one of the country's most sophisticated research and teaching facilities for nanotechnology. It supports research and instruction in electronic and photonic devices, microelectromechanical devices, advanced materials processing, and biotechnology devices.
Cornell NeuroNex
The Cornell NeuroNex Technology Hub focuses on researching, developing and disseminating new optical imaging tools for noninvasive recording of neural activity in animals. It houses the Laboratory for Innovative Neurotechnology at Cornell (LINC), where engineers and biologists will collaborate on developing and testing the tools.
Energy Materials Center at Cornell (emc2)
The mission of emc2 is: Advancing the science of energy conversion and storage by understanding and exploiting fundamental properties of active materials and their interfaces. emc2 develops long-term partnerships with industry leaders to speed the development and adoption of novel materials into solutions for advanced energy technologies
Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics (LASSP)
The Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics is a major center for research in the area of condensed matter physics. It was founded in 1959, and there are currently 29 faculty members of the Department of Physics associated with the Laboratory. Current research areas cover nonlinear phenomena, liquid state physics, soft condensed matter physics, disordered and glassy systems, low temperature physics, nano-structures and quantum transport, phonons and two level systems, spectroscopy, charge transport, protein crystals, biophysics, general condensed matter theory, many-body theory, density functional theory, mesoscopic systems, liquid and solid helium, quasicrystals, superfluid helium, magnetic ordering, percolation, quantum computing, foundations of quantum mechanics, multiscale dynamics, and cellular biophysics.
Laboratory of Plasma Studies
The Center for the Study of Pulsed-Power-Driven High Energy Density Plasmas at Cornell University has been established to study exploding wires and their applications. This work is being carried out by the Laboratory of Plasma Studies (LPS) at Cornell in collaboration with researchers at Imperial College, London, the University of Nevada, Reno, the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and the P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow.